Photo by Tatjana Plitt
David Brand
David is a registered architect who has practised mainly outside the traditional confines of architectural work, specialising in heritage, planning + urban design advice, and teaching.
He has degrees in History and Philosophy as well as Architecture. He has worked for various architectural heritage firms in Melbourne, and has conducted architectural tours both here and overseas.
Over the years, as a planning activist, David has been involved in numerous campaigns to save local cultural institutions and landmarks. In 1999 he was elected to the Port Phillip City Council, and, for much of the time since, has worked for the City and its community in his role as local Councillor. He is passionate about the role architecture plays the life of the city and believes that planning should be a force for good rather than evil. He is on a mission to make sure our cities keep their incredible historic character + cultural richness as they career headlong into the future.
David has taught architectural history + design at the University of Melbourne for many years. His design studios focus on real-world urban sites in need of cultural reconceptualization -- and the realisation and expression of cultural values in built form.
Outside the office, David is a keen traveller and "Rainman" standard geography nerd. He's tragically addicted to the St Kilda Football Club and never plans to be overseas on Grand Final day... just in case.
David's CV is available on request